Tech Talk 2025


Behind the Screens News

I'm a journalist, podcaster, and maker who loves to talk about music, technology, and faith & spirituality. Subscribe to my newsletter.

Welcome to 2025 & welcome to a space to talk and discuss tech. I have been back and forth on whether I wanted to begin a newsletter like this, but it's time for me to truly connect and get into my true writing zone by sharing and addressing my thoughts about all that's happening in the tech world. It's an endless area of conversation. You may also hear some music conversations here (if there's any new music that should be discussed). I just personally see that technology is forever going to be an endless conversation, whether others realize this or not. I hope that everyone walks away with something from this newsletter. Until next time, BT signing out.

Behind the Screens News

I'm a journalist, podcaster, and maker who loves to talk about music, technology, and faith & spirituality. Subscribe to my newsletter.