Year in Review


Behind the Screens News

I'm a journalist, podcaster, and maker who loves to talk about music, technology, and faith & spirituality. Subscribe to my newsletter.

I gotta admit that 2024 has been an eye-opening year. I don't know if I have the words to express my true thoughts & feelings towards this year. I've gone through my fair share of emotions and awareness. I will do my best to unpack everything possible within this newsletter.

I will warn you that this newsletter won't be your traditional newsletter. It will be more of an extremely extended blog that goes into really breaking down a lot of highlights & even low-lights of 2024. I can't deny that the year hasn't been good for me, but I had to go through my fair share of journeys & obstacles to get to this point with it.

So let's start from the beginning. Back in January, I took my first trip to Atlanta since I was in high school. Even going back then, I don't remember much of the trip. It was also my first time taking a flight by myself. I did the entire process on my own (booking, hotel arrangements, etc). Granted, I did this to some extent when doing so via my company's info, but it wasn't even remotely the same. I think that this trip showed me a lot that I didn't realize I needed to work on. I went down there for a vision board party, which was truly an opportunity to meet up with one of my classmates who has been a friend for quite some time. Writing this newsletter reminded me to send her a link for something that might be of interest. That's another conversation of course. However, she hosted an AMAZING event, & I even got to meet JL (a fellow planner) who has been nothing but supportive through this planning journey. I was off & on my rocker when it came to planning. I planned pretty well, but I didn't do my best with it, which I'll get into soon.

Speaking of planning, the planning side of my brain is in so many different directions. There was one point where I went to the digital side of planning (again), but I didn't gain what I needed in doing that form of planning. I eventually went to a different type of planner that I thought I would like, but we didn't get along the way we wanted to. In the end, I went back to what has always worked for me every single time, & that is the bullet journal method. I learned at the end of this year that I forgot to do one important element involving my bullet journal, & that was writing down my intentions. I kinda went into the year 2024 with little to no blueprint. It showed in the long run, but I did get quite a few things accomplished (even in not have that plan written out.

In February, I took a trip to North Carolina to spend some time with my sis & her family. She & I have to get back to our accountability calls (so if you're reading this, we're gonna work harder on disciplining ourselves to do those). Nonetheless, that was a milestone of a trip, because she allowed me to relax and enjoy the time while there and just focus on working on my mental well-being. She also was a guest on my podcast, & it happened to be episode 400 (the milestone referenced above), & that was a joy in itself. That was one of the few times that I did some extra editing based on some offline/online conversations we had, but it turned out to be a good episode. It did help in forcing me to get a better handle on my equipment and my podcast platform as a whole. I truly appreciated the space offered to just experience North Carolina. I still have the sticker on my journal from an art place we went to. There were a lot of conversations we were able to sit down & just have. She & her fiance made me feel very welcome, & that was the main priority. I did a little gaming there, but not like talking about it. She did motivate me to purchase a physical alarm clock that might be my favorite alarm clock to own. I think that it was just what I needed in the long run. I ended up ordering two, but the second one is just available where necessary.

As mentioned, I upgraded my equipment for the podcast not long after that by having 2 separate microphones so that people who are on the show as guests feel important and have their source of audio and equipment. That is what it's all about in the end just feeling heard & being known in the moment. I really have been working on recording more podcasts with those microphones.

Speaking of microphones, I have gone through my fair share of microphone uses for my phone and just having portable mics when wanting to record, & I eventually caved in & got a very useful set from Neweer, & they might be the best pair to use when trying to record. I recently had to adjust to the quality of the mic & how I don't have to talk as loud as them. I also got a pair of mic holders for the mics so it looks like I'm doing a recording with people. I'm looking forward to using those when I start doing more videos down the line. It adds a proper filter and separation of talking on the mic. I truly know that I will get my money's worth out of them.

I went to a new team with my current job, & that was a treat. I went through my fair share of ups and downs, but I have learned quite a bit since working in this role. It has been a larger reality more than anything else. I've been very appreciative of the team that I work with now. I will never forget or deny my previous team. I just needed a change of scenery. Talking about work, I built some solid relationships with my co-workers, & I will get into that a little more later on. But it was a good transition in joining my new team.

Continuing along the path of 2024, I went through a few bumps & bruises. The biggest and heaviest one I took was losing my father. As many of you may know, my father passed away at the end of July. Time stopped. I didn't know which end was up. There are still times today that I don't know which end is up. Many of the things I'm doing are dedicated to him & being completed in his honor because he's been nothing short of a great father & practically my best friend. He was giving and providing me jewels along the way when I was younger by just sharing with me different ideas and thoughts related to how to become a great man and an overall positive/supporting human being towards others. I truly miss and think about him all the time. My mother misses her husband, & I have done my best to be there & be supportive of her. I think in the long run, we've been supportive of each other. My friends have been there through the thick of things. I have had a huge reconfiguration of family & just overall sibling and positive support. That's been what I've needed more than anything else. I think about him every day. I think when I'm having moments where I pause, I'm thinking a lot about him and the actions that he had within his routine. Things that he does, I completely understand now. I truly do my best to live and continue evolving in his honor. Thank you for all that you've instilled in me and continue to instill in me. I love you Dad & I miss you big time.

Something that I started to gain an attachment to before his passing was walking and exercising. I walked/jogged my first 10k, & that was an entire process by itself. I didn't know how it would go. I battled through it without even knowing how immense of a battle it would be. I somehow walked & completed my first 10k. I doubt it will be my last. I wasn't sure how I would feel after it, but more than anything, I was just a little tired, but I felt good to be able to complete it, which was the biggest & main priority in the end. I also participated in a 5k. I almost did an 8k, but I wasn't 100% locked into doing it. The best part is that I was able to get both of those accomplished more than anything. I will admit that after that 10k, I found myself walking around the city and attached to a track more than anything. I took so many walks that I couldn't even tell you how many miles I walked in total. The most important element is that I would go out there & finish them. My first few times walking around the track, I was struggling & would take multiple breaks. I still remember the first time I went out there to do a 4-mile walk, & it was after the news of my father's passing, & completing the entire walk with no problem. The thing that still sticks with me to this day is that during the walk, there was a guy out there walking. He's usually out there whenever I walk. This particular day, he was out there & he walked by me and said "I see that you're not taking as many breaks as you used to". At that moment/instance, I knew for a fact that my father was talking to me. I will come clean & say that I shed a few tears. It was in the thick of the heat too when I was doing these walks. I even can remember one of the members from the Boys & Girls Club being out there doing a few walks and just running like there was no tomorrow. I realized that I am not concerned about what others do. I have go to at my pace. I will admit that I walk pretty fast. I just sometimes know that trying to run outright can be a little challenging. I also accept and appreciate that I would meet my fellow Boys & Girls Club member because he was doing service in the park every Sunday, & it was just what I needed. It allowed me to reconnect with not only myself but with God. The walks also forced me to just connect with nature & sometimes handle silence. I also started a new way of doing podcasts, known as "walk casts". The walk casts became an undercover source for verbal therapy.

I went to New Orleans for the first time, and that was a story within itself. I got an opportunity to show off my musical skills. I also was reminded of something very important to remember...I belong here. Sometimes, you're unsure of where you belong or if you're doing the right thing, but then over time, you're starting to realize that you needed to be in the space you were in to begin with. And you learn and gain a lot about yourself. I felt bad that I didn't get an opportunity to meet one of my friends I've been cool with for quite a few years via Twitter. It just means next time, I have to make a trip back and truly plan something out there to make sure that we truly connect and cross paths.

The last trip that I'm actively on is driving down to NC. I came back this time to visit a long-time friend of mine and her family, & I think that they needed me here just as much as I needed to be here. Sometimes, you don't get why you're where you are, but you were intended to be there all along. This will be a multi-based breakdown regarding the year because the delay in my taking this trip was transportation. So I knew my car I wasn't gonna be able to make or handle the length of this trip. I was driving my mom's car, but I somehow got in an accident that mostly caused a huge impact on the car. The biggest thing I needed to remember is that I walked away from what happened with the car, & it could have been much worse. This then forced me to look into seeing how I could get a reliable/newer car. Going back to walking, there was one Saturday that I would normally go out and walk, & I didn't wanna walk. However, a friend of mine has gained hundreds of thousands of thanks from me, because she and I went out for the walk, which was about 3.5 miles, & it was a VERY resourceful walk. While walking, we were talking about the rental car along with some other things that I was having to deal with. In the long run, the walk became one of the most unique ripple effects I've experienced. After doing the walk, I got home, & I received a call about an inquiry I made about getting a car from a local dealership. That was one of the most worthwhile calls I received. I was in the process of getting prepared, & my mom decided to go with me. So it's the two of us and the car that was fighting to drive. It made it to the dealership with no problems thankfully. However, it was just a joyous process once we got out there. I went through the process & looked at different cars, & saw a car that was just the best option for me & what I needed. I was able to manage the papers & see what it would take regarding the remaining amount owed on my car (had a year or so left), & I found out that I was approved. That might have been the hugest sigh of relief I ever experienced. I sat there and prayed. The biggest thing that I did a few weeks before that was to pray after what happened with me and the other car. And I prayed while trying to get the car. I must admit that I am giving thanks to God for being able to write and complete this newsletter. I think that sometimes, you need that true form of writing and reception of your abilities for it to come together.

The final thing I wanna talk about before I finish up this newsletter is my theme for 2024. It was the year of receiving grace. There were ample opportunities that I didn't give myself the amount of grace that I truly needed to. However, it turned out to be a positive flow to be more aware of being patient with me based on what I have or haven't accomplished. I was so hard on myself a few days ago feeling bad that I didn't get to write out my intentions. Nonetheless, having no intentions isn't the end of the world. I will be making that my main priority for 2025. One last piece before I reveal the theme for 2025. I know a lot of people have goals, but they have no systems or aren't establishing any true or legitimate habits. In the long run, those systems will make an impact on things more than anything. I am proud of how I've worked on not only giving myself grace but being willing to receive grace.

And now the theme for 2025...which many of you likely already know. The theme for 2025 will be the Year of Unplugging. I want to unplug and disconnect from things that aren't helpful or resourceful for me whatsoever. Many of my friends already know, but I have a bit of a sub-theme as well. I have 4 other things that I intend to work on and maintain for the year 2025. My add-on is the Year of Intention. As mentioned earlier, intentions are key. They're VERY key. About the 4 other elements/options. They are Learning, Loving, Creativity, & Confidence. I truly want to focus and invest more time in learning more and using what I am learning. Whether it's from the web, books, or just people overall. I want to truly embrace and accept love in my life. This includes loving myself more and showing myself how to love properly. Most of all, I want people to lead with love. If I don't feel or sense that there's love in the foundation, then that tells me everything in its true form. When it comes to creating and creativity, I am no longer calling myself a creative or a content creator. However, I will still be a part of the tech creative space. This also includes just actually creating things outside of those routine things that I'm accustomed to doing for things like podcast content or even Adobe Express images. I want to do more creativity involving my writing because my writing space is pretty limitless. The final one, confidence is the big one that will be all about how I encounter interactions with others in speaking up on the things that I need to speak up about. I have been making things more complicated than what they are, & it can be pretty aggravating when you think about it.

One other thing I want to mention is that I also intend on working on my second LLC for my Podcast (since it’s technically a business, & I know there are opportunities with podcasting). I plan to put a large amount of effort behind the podcast and create episodes for the podcast, because I used my walk casts as actual episodes instead of sitting down & just speaking in front of the microphone. I didn’t want to make that a complicated section, but I wanted to be sure to add it since it’s key thinking of 2024 & heading into 2025. I’m very excited.

I know that this is a VERY lengthy newsletter/blog, but I think that I spoke out about everything that I wanted to address. I hope that it helps someone in the long run. As always, we continue evolving and sharing where possible. Until next time, this is BT signing out.

Behind the Screens News

I'm a journalist, podcaster, and maker who loves to talk about music, technology, and faith & spirituality. Subscribe to my newsletter.