November Reflection


Behind the Screens News

I'm a journalist, podcaster, and maker who loves to talk about music, technology, and faith & spirituality. Subscribe to my newsletter.

There's a harsh reality that I'm having to face in my life...I don't give thanks...ENOUGH. I am thankful & appreciative of those simple things, but for some strange reason, I truly don't take the time to sit down & truly take time to tell God Thank You. I am not going to shift or pivot this newsletter, but I will tell everyone who's reading this that there's some reality in my journey that I've been on.

Within the last year, I've given & shared some very insightful tips and tricks that I know many of you have benefited from. Those who have read the newsletters, I thank you & I appreciate you. Those who personally wanted to read it, but were unable to read it, I thank you all as well. Those who have been trying to navigate through this process of life and seeing how to truly press through this thing called life, thank you as well.

December 10th will mark one year since starting this newsletter. I really must receive & give myself thanks for how much time I've devoted to truly wanting to journal & write ideas and thoughts down on paper & digitally share them with you all.

I know I know...the infamous holiday known as "Thanksgiving"' is coming around the corner. However, why is it that the one day that's meant to give thanks turns into people having to pick over what they do or don't eat and sharing what they're thankful for like you aren't aware that you are being provided a source of life for another day or lifetime? Many people are living in places where others don't have the time or ability to live. Please value this element of the flow called life. We are granted life frequently and often, & meanwhile, we're just wondering why we aren't celebrating the life that we think we "deserve" when there's someone who would love to have your life. Be grateful not just on Thursday but on every single day you have to be present and provide others with your gift.

I am a little delayed with this newsletter, but I hope it hits close for someone in some regard. I wish you all an amazing week & to truly remain positive through everything.

Behind the Screens News

I'm a journalist, podcaster, and maker who loves to talk about music, technology, and faith & spirituality. Subscribe to my newsletter.